09 June, 2015

Rustines Patch Kits, Tres Chic

Rustines has been in the business of fixing tires for about 100 years. Louis Désiré Auguste Rustin (1880-1954) literally invented the tube patch kit. You can read their history here (Google translate).

Mark, our resident flatter and expert on fixing same, says these are the best patches he's ever used, partially because the rubber is very flexible and stretchy. He now looks forward to getting flats (just kidding). Almost 100 years of development has to count for something. Plus you have to love the graphics on the packaging, especially on the tins.

Rustines sticks patches on both sides of the release paper (to save weight?) Clever. So you get twice as many as you might expect. By the way, we'll have spare glue tubes soon.

The #1 Patch kit is all you need for riding around town. Remember that each of those dots is two patches, so there are 10. Not bad for $2.70.
The #2 patch kit offers a larger variety of patches with a couple of bigger ones, should you get a pinch flat.

This small metal tin is my favorite. It's a reproduction of an old Rustines patch kit and it just looks so cool. I have one and plan to refill it with the inexpensive #1 kit as I use up the patches.
This large kit in the neat cylindrical tin is another reproduction of an old kit. It's made for touring or to keep in your shop. In addition to the 18 round patches, it has a huge patch that could be used as a tire boot should the worse happen. Again, I would keep refilling it with the inexpensive #1 or #2 kits.

If you have a shop you might put a basket of assorted Rustines kits next to the cash register. Folks just seem to love the look of them. Tres chic!


Andy said...

And there I went and ordered two Rema #21 patch kits for $4 each, from a large online retailer named after a larger river, just yesterday, and it's too late to cancel. I really just wanted the glue, as I have plenty of patches, but it's about $5 for the same tube of glue that comes in the $4 patch kit. Silliness.

I'd love to be able to buy the vulcanizing fluid in multi-packs of 5 g tubes, as I don't have to patch very often, so the glue is usually dried out, or close to it, when I try to use it a second time.

Even better, why can't someone package it in truly single-use foil packages like the 1 g threadlocker pouches at the checkout in the auto parts store?


Anonymous said...

I thought the Internet (or Sheldon Brown) decided that patch glue was rubber cement. Doesn't help you for small tubes, but for big jars with a built in brush. Greg.

Andy said...

Agreed, but I seldom patch at home.

George Cline said...

I've used tins of rubber cement for years. No problems. http://georgebike.blogspot.com/2012/01/how-many-times-do-you-patch-tube.html

Andy said...

My procedure is to carry a spare tube and small patch kit. If I get a flat, which is maybe twice a year, I swap out the tubes and patch the punctured one before riding again. The patched one goes back in my saddlebag. This way if I have another puncture on the same ride, which has happened, I already have a cured patch, and don't have to wait.

Chris P said...

I agree with your suggestion about the 1g pouches of patch cement. One patch for each glue pouch.

Unknown said...

Place an opened tube of solution in a small, sealable polythene bag, roll it up to expel air and seal it. This will prevent solvent vapour from escaping and keep the solution liquid for months