25 August, 2011

Yet Another Polyvalent Build

I know you guys are probably tired of Polyvalent build pics, but here is how we built up the third of our demo frames. I think this would make a great commuter and fast city bike, or delivery bike.



  2. My favorite of the three!

  3. Tired...of Polyvalent builds...I'm sorry I don't understand.

  4. fantastic. this one really shows your rando bars well, even under a pound of flesh.

  5. I realize this is just a demo, but I'm 100% certain you guys/gals could come up with something better to finish off that leather than electrical tape. Actually, I often use your waxed thread.

    Still, very nice. I dig the new color.

  6. Another nice build.

    To finish the bar tape: get some large heat-shrink tubing and slip it over the bars first. Wrap the bars, slide the tubing into place, then shrink away. Works great as long as you like black. I haven't found the big heat shrink tubing in any colors.

  7. Wow, very nice!

  8. keep em coming. the electric tape has gotta go though, replace it with some waxed thread for sure!

  9. I do get the excitement over this bike. When will these frames be available for sale?

    How about those Grand Cru 50.4bcd Cranks? Those would look nice on this bike.

  10. I love how these bicycles are looking, all three of the builds. Would love to try one - consider sending some frames to Harris Cyclery to build up as floor models; I am sure they will be snapped up! Oh yeah, and I'll get to try one : )

  11. Really nice. Keep posting builds.

    Just a couple of points. Why are the brake levers so tilted up?

    Also is it just due to the kickstand or is the saddle a little bit 'nose up'?

  12. The frames, and almost all the stuff we're out of, will arrive in 2-3 weeks.

    Alec built this bike and he likes his saddle and brake levers tilted up a little. Since he rides over 10,000 mile a year we'll not argue.

  13. I like it! I like it a lot!

  14. NO NO NO! the front rack/basket is as useless here as it is on the Globe Live 3. How about a MIXTE frame for disc brakes, left bank bars, sweet steel pedals with half toe clips, a temple bell, fenders, and here's something: one roll of leather tape is plenty to wrap the grips on left bank bars and it's stunning with the honey colored VO saddle. As for frame color, I live in "Oaksterdam" so it has to be shiny black for all my coffee shopping. Gimme a MIXTE!!!
