23 August, 2011

Free Shipping Deal

We have a lot of stuff arriving in Septemeber: frames, an extra-large container of VO parts, wheels, etc. The warehouse will be bursting at the seams. So we've decided to make a little room by offering a free shipping deal for the next week. We won't charge shipping on any order to a continental-USA address. But only if you enter the coupon code. Here are the specifics:
  • The coupon code is "freeshipping". Click on "My Cart" (not "Checkout") on the top right of the screen to enter a coupon code. This deal runs from noon today (8-23-11) to noon next Tuesday (8-30-11) Eastern US time.
  • The code will work for any order shipped to any address in the lower 48 US states.
  • Frames and wheels and rims and sale items and anything else that's currently in stock is included. 
  • Items on the specials page or that have a "special price" are not returnable unless obviously defective.
Our super efficient packing staff is standing by.


    1. I'm sorry, but I've got to ask - will there be rear camper racks in the container. Want so bad.

    2. We are now testing the final prototypes of the camper racks. We hope to have them early next year.

    3. Will the silver tektro cross levers be back in stock? Also, you know what's impossible to find? An ergo flat silver bullhorn bar. I need 3 of 'em. Can I make a product request?

    4. Free shipping is great,
      I need a new VO Anvil and
      Gran Cru Surface Plate.

    5. Only one problem, it's the items that are looong out of stock that I want!!! (Sealed touring pedals, deep half clips, etc. etc.)


    6. A great idea, too bad I just placed a big order. Ha, c'est la vie. That said, while everything I ordered is perfect I must not that you guys use a ton of packing paper! Any thoughts of pursuing something like the use of local used newspapers instead of the packing paper? Likely just another unrealistic suggestion from the peanut gallery but I didn't think it would hurt to throw it out there. Perhaps you guys reuse packing paper from your suppliers which would definitely set my conscience a bit more at ease. Keep up the good work!

    7. Thank you so much for this. I wish these would happen more often. I think I still have the habit of holding off an order until it comes over $100, even though that doesn't apply anymore.

    8. This thread being somewhat eclectic, I will ask has there been or will there be a traditional cheapo plastic water bottle with the famed VO logo?

    9. Any word on the long set back VO seatpost?

    10. I loves this bike! Comments and questions to all concerned. I'd like to pull the trigger on a Polyvalent but concerned with sizing. I'm 6ft2in tall and have been a dedicated 700c'er. My pbh is 90cm (barefoot). Is there a Polyvalent frame big enough for me that won't cramp me in the cockpit and still look "aesthetically correct"?. My concern for "looks" hovers around 3%. Also, the Polyvalent seems to be me marketed more as a commuter, urban bike. Is the Polyvalent a proper bike for long brevets, double centuries, and longer all day/night rides? I know the Rando fits these requirements. The Rando maxes out at 32cm w/o fenders and I aready know I'd like a plusher ride w/o sacrificing performance. Can the Polyvalent "do" what the Rando "does" in terms of performance? Hope this is clear and thanks for any input.

    11. The code is not working for me, it says: Coupon code "freeshipping" is not valid.

    12. Alex, The shipping deal ended last Thursday.
