31 May, 2013

VO Wind Tunnel Testing

When we read about Specialized building a wind tunnel to develop their racing bikes, we decided VO should have one too. Of course our budget is slightly smaller. But Igor got our wind tunnel up and blowing at almost no cost. Expect an aero porteur rack for 2014. What else can we streamline?


  1. You might have better luck molding your next line of racks out of high modulus carbon - you'll really be able to introduce some innovative (aero!) shapes to the portaging market - something no one else is doing as far as I know.

    This is seriously the funniest thing I've seen all week - Thanks for keeping it light!

  2. You're doing it wrong! The Porteur rack is already very aero by design: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ah_blake/4609748901/ (not my photo, found it one day and found it very funny)

  3. I fear all those holes in your drillium cranks are not aerodymically smooth. Please sell a version of your drillium cranks with the holes filled back in.

  4. +1 regarding the drillium cranks. Would it be possible to fill the holes with carbon fiber?

  5. He'll need to trade the Birkenstocks for those Vibram foot thingies. And his hair is getting awfully shaggy.

  6. Not so sure about the aero stuff . . . But I would love a French thread power meter crank. Any thoughts?

  7. Actually, I do kinda wonder if you could make a rack out of teardrop shaped tubing. It would be an interesting aesthetic piece at the very least.

  8. Dear Igor,
    You rule.

  9. I need a carbon fiber bulldog clamp to snug my tee shirt down so it won't flap about to slow me down. If not I need to fill in the shirt more. Maybe you could help by selling beer?

  10. I'm a big fan of your wind tunnel...
