06 September, 2011

Interbike and Price Increases

Next week we'll be at Interbike, one of the big three bike industry trade shows (the other two are Eurobike and Taipei). We'll be meeting with dealers and distributors, and introducing a few new products. Please drop by our booth if you're there.

We'll also have new price lists. This is the time of year when most bike companies adjust their prices. In our case there are few really big increases, but there are many smaller adjustments due to increased production and material costs. Of course that means that you can save a few dollars by ordering before the show. This applies to shops as well.

Another important part of the show is meeting with folks from the factories that make our products. They don't all attend, but several of the larger factories have booths or at least send a small team. So we'll be discussing all sorts of new projects.


  1. I noticed that VO has increased the price on many of its products such as pedals. It is now going to be more expensive. It kills me to see my favorite online shop turning into Rivendell.

  2. Turning into Rivendell? I fear that I haven't got a clue what that means, honestly, other than the fact that it's a good shop, just 3000 miles closer to home selling decent, well spec'd gear, to me. It bums me out more to see the world of consumers turning into WalMart shoppers and expecting everything cheaper and cheaper then griping about quality 'going to the dogs'. Last I checked, even the Chinese have cost of living increases now and again as well.

  3. Perhaps I should be more specific about my points. When I first purchased from VO I found the price and quality were unbeatable. Now the quality is the same but the price is a lot higher. I remember the Tektro R556 brakeset, fenders, touring pedals I bought from VO were all at $30s-$40s range. Now they are between 50s-70s. I don't want to buy a pair of cheap brakes from walmart for $10 but a $75 Tektro brake is hard to swallow at least for me. "Quality and high-end" are different things. Don't get me wrong, I understand is all business and I love and will continue to buy from VO. Just instead of shop everything here, I will look around for a better deal. This is my honest opinion and hope you don't get offended.

  4. I'd imagine that some of the price increases are due to changes in the tarriff rates for certain parts. I believe that drivetrain related parts are now being taxed at a higher rate upon importing.

    That'll affect all bicycle shops, not just the boutiques.

  5. Its a hard thing to swallow, but VO needs to actually make a profit to sustain itself. The more popular VO gets the more staff it needs and well its all Economics 101.

    With that said, most of the classic style and beauty you find at VO you cant find anywhere else.

    They are still the best quality, best price, and not to mention beautiful.

    With that said, there are certain things that you just dont need to purchase here if they are to expensive.

    Tektro Brakes can be found anywhere for cheaper but finding for example the Reverse Tektro Brakes in all silver are impossible to find.

    Bottom line is do your research on products and realize that VO is still the place to be.

    Kudos VO.

  6. Here's an interesting article about a CEO who knows something about pricing: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-leadership/post/costco-ceo-jim-sinegal-checks-out/2011/04/01/gIQAh7CqwJ_blog.html?hpid=z8

  7. The sad truth of the matter is the value of the dollar has been decreasing on the world market, and sellers of imported parts have no choice but to raise their own prices as their costs increase.

    If you're used to prices from when a dollar bought 120 yen, you won't like the prices when a dollar only buys 77 (today).

  8. Still an excellent value, because VO values excellence, a rare commodity indeed.

  9. Folks who have been reading the posts on the Rivendell site for even a little while (like me) are familiar with the laments about exchange rates and prices. Riv is raising their prices too. I don't think you'll find much difference in the prices for items available from both companies (i.e. Tektro), and both deserve our support. Both offer items that are unique. But VO certainly has the edge for beautiful silver parts that wouldn't be otherwise available. VO is a fast-moving company, and we benefit. Steve

  10. VO turning into Rivendell? That's awesome as I need to order some more Grandpa's Pine Tar soap!

    Seriously, VO and Riv will never be the cheapest on items like Tektro as all the BIG mass marketers carry them. VO and Riv certainly have the big boys beat when it comes to the oddball stuff we all love. Go VO, go Rivendell!!!

  11. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. Chris will always have my thanks for bringing some new, good stuff to market and highlighting some smart stuff that was buried in the wholesalers' catalogs. The era where there was a place to shop for parts online that wasn't just passing along the Q or J&B catalogs at MSRP but with no guarantee of stock and where they had only the good stuff at good prices is now over, though, and I'll mourn this day every time I have to relive the pre-VO era by cobbling together an order from 3 or 4 different sites because only one place has the Tektro rather than the Cane Creek road levers but they randomly want $50 for a $30 headset, and only one small shop in Iowa has a certain color of cotton tape. VO will outlast Riv because they don't insist on selling massively overpriced lugged frames and don't spend half their time distracted by ridiculous side projects, but their usefulness to me as a vendor has expired. Ah well, back to dreaming of the day when we can all finally just order direct from QBP.

    Thanks Chris, it was great, best of luck and I'll be by next time I need some French thread goodies.

  12. My only problem as well as a majority of folks I know is our yearly income has been static for the last 4 years. It is not like the average worker are seeing increases in their income.
    This in no way faults Velo Orange just the economic fact of life in our country at this time.

  13. I don't know how many items have been affected by the price increases, or by how much. However, when I returned to purchase another set of leather handlebar wrap, I scoffed at the two-fold increase in price (~$35-75) for what seems an unnecessary change in perceived quality/image.

    Though I do appreciate VO and all it's work, I've found myself displeased not only with this change, but also certain aspects of previous purchases.

    As for the bar wrap, I guess I'll go with Brooks, as I've seen it for the same price or slightly less. At least it will match the saddle :\

  14. better than turning into nashbar

  15. Annon, The $35 leather tape was roughly Brooks quality. The new Grand Cru leather tape is much nicer. They are not the same item.

    As for pricing. Most increases are very small, but if we don't make them or the items don't sell, then we'll simply drop the products. Simple decision.

    I know that there are some customers for whom price is more important than anything else. And there are shops who cater to them. I'd rather focus on quality and developing great new products.


  16. I, for one, love the experimental attitude. I love how you've pulled old ideas off dusty shelves and done your best to match or do them better. I like that you have personal standards that you put on the table.

    And I LOVE that I can sometimes snag a prototype of some cool component or another at your garage sales. It's a four hour drive (RT) I never regret!

    Thank You.

  17. Still love VO and Rivendell, for similar (yet different) reasons.

    I routinely purchase items from both shops that I am well aware are less expensive elsewhere. I want to economically reward people for the great value they bring to the table, and for keeping utility cycles and cycling interesting.

    Can you think of a musician that you would gladly toss a hundo extra, just because of the good times they brought you through the years? I can.

    Break break: Chris, you could dominate the dyno light market in the United States--it is very under-served. Here in North Yorkshire, England it's dark most of the time in winter, and dynos make my life that little bit easier.

  18. A reminder to the particularly long-winded Anon poster- we CAN all order direct from QBP. It's a little place known as your local bike shop, almost all of whom have access to QBP. As great as VO unquestionably is, don't forget about the local brick and mortar.
