06 May, 2010

The LumiWink and Other New Stuff


We have a few new items. The strangest of these is the Japanese market Shimano Nexus LumiWink light that Tom managed to find. It has an LED bulb that flashes whenever the dyno is turning. It also has a standard 2.4w halogen bulb that lights when a photo cell detects low light level. There is no on-off switch. The instructions are in Japanese only, but there are pictures. Being Japanese, it mounts on the right side of the bike. This is a special purchase item and is non-returnable, but then they only cost $18 $10.

VO front Constructeur racks have made it back into production. The constructeur rack is a medium sized front rack that is attached to the dropout eyelets. It's made from polished tubular stainless steel, just like out other racks, and has eyelets for lights and a fender mount. We've received a small shipment by air freight and the rest should be here in about a month.

We also received more of the perpetually-out-of-stock Porteur racks.

Finally, we have a rather clever new rear quick release cable stop. It uses a keyhole-shaped slot to hold the stop/adjuster part, so it can be instantly detached to open the brakes for tire changes.


  1. That cable stop is a great idea.

  2. I used to have a Shimano light with the LED blinker and Halogen bulb, but mine had an on/off switch. Horrible light. WAY too dim in comparison to the dLumotec 1st-gen LED I had on my other bike. I bought another dLumotec almost immedately, rather than keep using the lousy Shimano light.

  3. LumiWink? Wasn't that the name of the class' pet gerbil on South Park?

  4. does that cable stop work with hex key seat post bolts or the old big external bolt type that uses wrench. what is the diameter of the hole. thx superfreak

  5. I love that rack but I hate how expensive it is. I know it's not just VO's rack but it seems like racks are generally quite expensive. Oh well.

  6. an what is the distance btw the ears. thx superfreak

  7. The cable release is really great. I've been looking forever for the Dia Compe rear quick releases with the lever...this will certainly do, but is there any way you can source those too?

  8. I bought one of those quick-release rear cable stops to use on my new Polyvalent, but with it installed the binder bolt can't tighten far enough to keep the seat in place! You might want to consider having them made out of a slightly thinner stock - it's quite thick.

  9. The QR hanger is, as the description says, meant for the traditional binder bolt assembly (the style used on old French frames and others). If you want to use it on a modern recessed bolt, you'll probably need a longer binder bolt.

  10. Perhaps you could post some guidance about what hanger works with the Polyvalent on the frame page? You sell three hangers of three different designs - the PV has a keyed binder bolt, just like the QR hanger appears to be designed for, so it seems to be an easy mistake to make.

  11. I have the light but am struggling to get it to work with my Nexus HB-NX20 hub because the cable out of the light consists of only one wire. Any insight? My searching via the internet hasn't lead anywhere. Thanks!

  12. a.lo - if it truly is one wire, (and not a single wire with two conductors) then it's just the conductor for poewr (the "+" side) , and the ground return path , (the little down arrow symbol) is expected to be made via the frame. For that to work, you need a conductive path between the hub and the body of the light (presumably the mounting bracket is metal.)
