01 August, 2022

Growtac Reviews and Sale Items

By Scott

We've had a great response to the Growtac Brakes that we introduced to the US market in April. We've been overwhelmed by the kind words folks have sent after getting their brakes, installing them, and realizing their actual power and braking abilities out on the trail. Additionally, the diversity of colors we offer has really livened up people's bikes and allowed for a lot of customers to brake out (see what I did there) of just plain black brakes for their bike.

We've also had lots of folks test out the brakes and publish their findings. The great people at Outpost Richmond wrote about the brakes here. Russ Rocca did a video comparison of the Growtac brakes vs the Paul Klampers vs the Yokozuna brakes here. And last, but not least, Bike Rumor did a review of the brakes on their site here. Some great comments there and all unsolicited from us.

We've also being sorting through products here at VO HQ and we have added some more items to our Specials Page. We have some Diamond Polyvalent frames there, plus we have 26" Snakeskin and Stainless Steel Fenders, Randonneur Handlebars, Noir Porteur Bars and Diamond Handlebar tape. So take a look and see if something there tickles your fancy.


  1. Hello Velorange,
    I saw your blog about GROWTAC EQUAL.
    I have been using these brakes for 6 months and love them very much, but I have had a dangerous experience so I have to let you know.
    A dangerous experience was when the brake lever got completely stuck while riding. The cause was a pebble stuck in his GROWTAC EQUAL.
    Due to the structure of this brake, it can happen to anyone.

    I have reported it to the manufacturer, but they have not taken any action yet.
    I processed it myself to avoid danger.
    Google Translate:

    I hope no users other than myself are in danger.

  2. Hi there,

    Thank you for your report. What an unlikely occurrence! I will pass on the info.

