02 November, 2021

More Happenings and We're Hiring!

by Igor

We're moving! We've been in our current spot for 8 years and it's become very apparent that we've outgrown it. We're doubling our square footage to 15,000 sq ft with over 11,000 sq ft dedicated to just warehousing and shipping. It will allow us to keep more inventory on hand, hire more awesome people, and provide consumers and shops with more product availability and cool, new designs.

We just set our official move date of November 4th! That means that the last VO packages from Annapolis will go out on Tuesday, November 2nd. 

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week (November 3rd, 4th, 5th) will be dedicated to palletizing, moving, unloading, and getting in the new facility. So any orders placed between the 3rd-5th, will begin going out the following Monday, November 8th. 

So please dust off your rolodex and update our address to:

Velo Orange
6730 Dover Rd
Suite 113
Glen Burnie, MD 21060 USA

Our phone number will stay the same, but within this transition Comcast has transferred and retransferred our phone number several times between buildings and sometimes it doesn't work. Trust me, it's extremely frustrating, but temporary. Sooooo....please email us with any customer service inquiries (info@velo-orange.com). The webstore will still be active and we will try our best to answer your emails while we're moving.

In related news....

We are hiring additional warehouse associates! If you or someone you know is interested, please click here for the job description: https://velo-orange.com/pages/warehouse-associate-position

1 comment:

  1. go VO!! youre crushing it, and i wish you continued success!!!!
