15 February, 2019

Mark Your Calendars For the Spring VO Garage Sale - March 9th, 2019

By Igor

Update: We wanted to thank everyone who was able to stop by HQ for the Garage Sale and hang out! Happy riding!

I know, I know. You're probably thinking to yourself, 'Spring? We're still uncovering ourselves from the last bout of snow!' For us in the Northern Hemisphere, the Meteorological start of Spring is actually March 1st. So since we'll be well into Spring, we're hosting our Annual Garage Sale at VO World Headquarters on March 9th, 2019 from 9am-Noon EST.

We'll run it with the usual story of various bits and pieces for sale - bikes, prototypes, frames, parts, accessories, all for cheap. We'll also offer a 20% discount for all in-stock, non-garage sale items to folks coming to the shop.

We'll have our usual supply of coffee and donuts for you to sip and munch on while perusing our vast wares.

Address for your GPS Unit:

1981 Moreland Parkway
Building 3
Annapolis, MD

(Turn into the industrial park and go to the right, almost all the way to the end. We're three doors from the end on your left side. Big VO sign out front.)

If you're on Facebook, let us know if you're going to make it so that we can get lots of snacks, coffee, donuts, holes of said donuts, and teas: https://www.facebook.com/events/618751121899274/

Hope to see you all there!


  1. Rod A Bruckdorfer2/16/19, 8:15 AM

    We will miss the Garage Sale. We also miss Velo Orange but we still have mail orders.

  2. Hiya! Will you be posting the classic zoomed-out shot of all the goods so that we can squint at the pixels and guess what you’re selling in advance? ;)

  3. Any chance of those unlucky enough to live far away from you a discount?
