29 February, 2016

So, really, what do people say about our Piolet..

by Annette

How nice for our travel-weary staff to return (or arrive Taipei) to Bikepacking.com's thoughtful and comprehensive review of the Piolet. While we certainly do test-ride our frames for months before bringing them to market, none of us has done as extensive a six-month test that Lee Vilensky completed before he wrote this up.

Some choice words:
"Classic. From the segmented fork, to the clean lines, to the solid cerulean paint with brushed metal headbadge, Velo Orange’s Piolet harkens back to a time in mountain biking that predates suspension and indexed shifting."
"Sticking mainly to the mountains in the provinces of Boyaca and Santander, we pedalled mainly through dry, sweltering heat on dusty roads and trails. It was in this state – loaded with gear while covering large daily distances on poor surfaces – that the bike truly shined."
"I was particularly impressed with how well the fork performed. I didn’t perceive any pulsing or juddering under hard braking, even during steep descents 20 kilometers long."
"Given the opportunity to do another round-the-world journey by bike, there is no question that this is the one I would take."
Read the full review here. And yes, the re-stock of mid- to large-size Piolets are currently on the high seas and will arrive late March.



  1. I say.. good news! Late March.. YES!

  2. According to the Piolet store page, you can run 700c/29" wheels with normal tires, or 27.5" with bigger tires. But whats to stop you from running 26" wheels with even bigger tires? Is it just lateral clearance?

  3. I love your stuff. BUT-BUT-BUT...Could you guys please front-order more EXTRA LARGE FRAMES of most of what you sell? The largest Camargue size sold out and the stock was never replenished before the frame was discontinued (assurances to the contrary). And now the Piolet XL is out of stock. Don't you guys know there are LOTS OF TALL PEOPLE out there? Seems your demand estimates are way off or your supply chain is dicey. Very frustrating!

  4. @Jean-Francois,
    Going to 26" on the 700c/27.5" frames would drop the frame and fork too much and introduce pedal strike problems, especially when negotiating obstacles. The potential increase in tire size would not correct this issue. Also, the fork blades cannot clear the enormous fat bike tires.

    @Anon 2:40pm,
    The first run of Piolets went much faster than expected. Demand outmatched our ordered supply, plain and simple. As per the post, more Piolets are expected to arrive in late March. It is tough to measure demand for a product which is brand new to the industry.


  5. Hey VO!

    I just got a "small" size Piolet through my LBS ordered this week for a build up. Whats the widest tire you've managed to get in on the 26inch wheel size?

  6. @Bryan,

    Congrats on your Piolet! Scott has been running 2.4" Ardents on his S size with loads of clearance.


  7. Good to know! I actually ordered some ardents to go along with it!

  8. Interesting to see the review call out the short head tube. Can we have a rev2 Piolet with a higher head tube please, please, please!!!
