17 February, 2016

Eric's Bike

By Chris

Not much to write about today, so I thought I'd share this photo my friend Eric sent. This is his new Pass Hunter Disc. Eric is a designer, among other things, and he loves doing creative builds. Note the wood-grain rims and black powder-coated VO racks. He still needs to fit the chainguard. If you're ever in San Luis Obispo watch for this cool bike. I'm looking forward to riding it next time I visit.


  1. What rear light is that? Battery or dyno? I love the little wire guard for it.

  2. Ben, That's a battery light that's made in Asia that we tested. It wasn't up to our standards and we don't recommend it. The light is not waterproof and it's pretty dim, but probably OK for a city bike in a dry climate.


  3. Are those Porteur bars he's using? I really like this look and have thought about those bars for my Bianchi Volpe, but wasn't sure how they'd work on a bike with that geometry.

  4. Kendra, Yep, Porteur bars.

  5. Kickstand, eh? Would love to see some more kickstand plates on your frames in the future, regardless if you'd typically find a kickstand on a particular frame or not. Assuming you have long enough chainstays, what's the harm? Additional cost to weld the plate on but I feel like your clientele would appreciate the option and I feel like many of us purchase your frames for many similar design decisions (like fender braze-ons underneath the seat-stay bridge and the fork-crown).

    Anyways, just my two cents! Beautiful build.

  6. Second the comment on kickstand plates. Can't for the life of me understand the prejudice against them. I thought VO was about practical bikes for real people, not fashionista bikes for hipsters.

  7. Am I going to be the first to mention the crankset with what appears to be two chain rings, but no front derailleur? Do my eyes deceive me, or is that what we are seeing here? This doesn't look like a mid-build photo; everything else looks pretty finished. So are we to assume Eric meant to omit a front shifter altogether? Why? To save the weight and clutter? Does he assume he'll shift between the front rings only rarely, and not need or want to do so on the fly? I'm not judging, just very curious about this detail; I'd love to hear the thInking behind this.

  8. I agree about the kickstand plates. I hate squeezing the tubing with the behemoth set up you have to use when you don't have the plate. Plus... its a pain to configure the front derailleur cable under the BB when the kickstand clamp is in the way... IN other news... I love this new bike!

  9. Drew, Eric plans to add a VO chainguard and remove one chain ring. I think he was waiting for the chainguard to be powder-coated.

  10. Kitsch & Chic

  11. Can you please tell the model of brake levers being used?
    Everything I find in that shape is for 22.2mm bars.
    I have barcons but want MTB-style levers that work with my canti brakes.

