25 November, 2015

Thanksgiving Break, aka Ride Bikes to Work Off Dinner

by Scott

As Thanksgiving rolls around (sooner it seems every year) again, we'd just like to remind folks that we'll be closed Thursday and Friday for the holiday and recovery time. The weather here in the mid-Atlantic seems to be great for this time of year, highs in the low to mid 60's, so we're all hoping to get out and about for a ride or three over the next few days.

We'll be back in the office bright and early on Monday, well 9 am seems early after a 4 day weekend, and ready to ship out your orders and answer questions that have come in over the break.

Hope all of you have a safe and thankful Thanksgiving.

Do you have any Thanksgiving riding traditions?


  1. eSo glad to see you finally embracing ergonomic handlebars. Unless you are racing, your bars should be dropped, shallow, flared, and wide. Keep up the good work.

  2. I like to ride as many miles as the temperature outside.

  3. My father and I used to layer up in all our wool clothes and ride the frozen, potholed dirt roads on our CX bikes to check on the fall salmon run in a creek in our rural New England town. If we spotted any drifting shadowy forms in the shallow pebbled water, we'd ride home through a route of old logging roads and gather fly rods and waders for a weekend of fishing with numb fingers and toes in icy waters. Not bad. It's funny that it's taken me 20 years to "rediscover" this kind of weekend adventure and find that it translates fairly well to where I live now in the Pacific Northwest.
