19 November, 2015

Public Service Announcement: It's Beaujolais Nouveau Day!!

By Chris

French regulations prohibit Beaujolais Nouveau from being sold until the third Thursday in November. That is today! This wine is only a few weeks old and is not a "fine wine." It is an inexpensive and quaffable wine, a fun drink that can be enjoyed by anyone to celebrate the harvest. Its meant to be consumed in copious quantities in the first year of its life.  Its a light-bodied and fruity wine made from Gamay grapes, Cost is around $10 a bottle.
Scott braves the elements to bring us the first taste of 2015 Beaujolais Nouveau.
Our caped hero races toward VO World Headquarters. (Prototype cape courtesy of Rustine.)


  1. Hmmm... Rain cape and no fenders? Not a very good combination for anything other than a staged photo shoot.

  2. That rain hat is absolutely precious.

  3. The wine bottle cages are pretty dang awesome. Nice outfit, as well.

  4. The Ann Arbor Wednesday night group did a vertical tasting of about twelve Beaujoiais on Monday night. As a lot, they were all uniformally very good and well balanced. Pricing ranged between $9-$13 per bottle and some of the less expensive bottles were among the best.
