21 May, 2014

Closed Friday Through Monday and New Color Saddles & Fenders

Monday, May 26, is Memorial Day and like many US businesses, we will be closed. We will also be closed on Friday, May 23rd, to give our staff a little extra time off.

That means that no orders will be shipped on those days. So please place any order you'd like shipped this week by noon on Thursday.
In other news, we have ordered black hammered 45 mm fenders; these are now in production and should arrive in late summer.
I'm not much for special editions and colors, but this shade of muted red is my favorite. I once bought an old beat up BMW car with a leather interior this color and I loved it, despite the rest of the car being a reliability nightmare. Anyway, we ordered a small production run of model six saddles and matching leather handlebar tape in this lovely shade. If these sell well we might try another color, maybe dark green?


  1. +1 Dark Green.

  2. Red in other models as well?

  3. Nice to all. Thanks for your continued fine work.

  4. Black? Blech.... I guess if you have a black bike its ok. Kids call cars with all blacked out trim and wheels "murdered out".

    Saddle color looks great. I think the official color name is cordovan.

  5. The red looks awesome. I'm sure some would like the black fenders. I tend to like metal colored metal bits so that I don't notice scratches, but I could see the black fenders looking pretty slick.

    I'm in the market for a better chain guard for my Brompton. You guys have anything that might work? It looks like the ones you used to make are gone?

  6. Anon, Just model 56 saddles in red for now.

  7. The black fenders look nice. One could go full black but black components (fenders, saddle, bar wraps) really make a lighter colored frame pop. I bet it would look nice on the new polyvalent blue too.

  8. The black fenders are very cool--but would be even cooler with black hardware. Any chance?

  9. @ Lawschool

    Rather than Velo Orange making you some black hardware why not do it yourself?

    If it were me I'd do the following

    Install your fenders according to directions.

    Remove the assembled fenders from the frame attachment points (R-clips, daruma etc.) while leaving any bracketry in place. Why? because assembling painted parts with as many slide fittings as are needed for VO fenders WILL wreck your new paint job. I don't care how careful you are.

    Next add:

    1 rattle can self etching primer
    1 rattle can Hammertone black (Hammered fender = hammertone stays in my book)
    1 roll masking tape (Scotch 1" is good)
    1 average newspaper (Sundays are better because you can read the funnies after)

    Mask off the fender and any bits you don't want painted with the tape and newspaper. Why? Because even though you may have chosen to do a non-hammertone "black" doesn't mean the finish will match perfectly enough not to show some ugly overspray. (In my opinion I'd just do the stays because the nuts and bolts type hardware is actually pretty nice, and painting it may not turn out so well but YMMV.)

    Next take your etching primer and apply as directed. You'll definitely want to use this especially on the aluminum stays otherwise the actual color coat won't adhere anywhere near as well.

    Next PAINT!

    Finally, remove the masking and enjoy.

    OR: You could do the masking and go with Duplicolor's Black Chrome kit and follow the instructions here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ziO0ZytLuE

    *Not paid or endorsed by VO or any paint or tape company

  10. The black fender hardware will be black.

  11. I'm down to get a pair of 650B black hammered fenders as soon as they're available. Murder out this touring bike.

  12. Any chance you'll carry the black fenders in a larger size?

    *crosses fingers*

  13. "VeloOrange said...

    The black fender hardware will be black."

    Or that, whatever.

  14. How are those black fenders coming along?
