12 March, 2014

NAHBS 2014

This coming weekend is the North American Handmade Bicycle Show, in Charlotte NC. For the first time since 2010, Velo Orange will be there. This is the most attended consumer show (versus industry show) that we'll exhibit at this year. This is also the first time in four years that it's been held on the East Coast; our other exhibiting and travel commitments have kept us away from it since the Richmond, VA show in 2010.

We'll be packing up the contents of our 20' by 10” booth on Thursday (March 13) for the drive southward.
Here's your chance (other than visiting our Annapolis shop) to inspect the full range of VO components, including Casey's Crazy Bars (of course), rim cross sections,  fenders, and our made-in-Baltimore Grand Cru handlebar bag.

Show information can be found here (though our booth, #310, doesn't seem to be on the floorplan - we're right in front of the awards stand). The show Friday-Sunday, March 14-16. Note that exhibitors are not allowed to sell their goods on-site, so you'll have to be content pawing our wares, tastefully arrayed on black and orange backdrops...but you can walk away with a sticker!

We'll be down a few people at the shop during this time, so bear with us if your email doesn't get answered as quickly as usual.

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