27 November, 2013

Biscuits and Treats

by Scott

In the run up to Thanksgiving here at VO HQ, we've gotten some new treats to try out this winter. Touring hubs with disc mounts arrived yesterday, along with some super wide 700C fenders for us to test out on the Camargue.  26" rims for the smaller Camargue test bike arrived as well in the last sample box to get here before the Thanksgiving holiday. With the holiday approaching quickly, I thought a little post about something close to my heart would be appropriate as we head into a time of cold weather and warm drinks.
 Ask anyone here, I'm partial to cookies- (Biscuits to our friends across the pond in the UK and down under in Australia and New Zealand) To me, having a cookie (or two) with a cup of tea (Yorkshire Gold if you're asking for a recommendation) after a ride in the cold is wonderful. I like something plain, nothing fancy. I'm partial to shortbread cookies with tea. I think that the butter, sugar and salt in the shortbread helps with recovery after the ride. When we lived in Australia we got taken in by Tim Tams. Those work well with a post ride tea here in the winter. The chocolate won't melt as it's cool here. We always kept the Tim Tam's in the fridge in the summer months down under.

We'll be closed here at VO this Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving.  I'm thankful for some time off and lovely folks to ride with. The weather looks good for a ride for most of the holiday, although we'll be looking forward to tea and cookies afterwards.

What is your choice of beverage and treat after a cold winter's ride?


  1. Lindt Excellence Intense Orange Dark chocolate nails it every time.

  2. The delightful rain, wind and cold I experienced over the last two days here on the east coast(Phila. PA) have been delightful. Something that really hit the spot has been Numi's Chai Rooibos tea with a little honey. Put a splash of Rhubarb tea from art in the age spirits and I was on my way to recovery.

  3. Coffee and a scone, winter and summer!

  4. Those look like Stroopwaffels. Are those Stroopwaffels?

  5. Yep, made in Holland Stroopwaffels!

  6. Taj Mahal with almond milk and some Walkers shortbread.

  7. cup of hot chocolate made with cream, milk and 85% chocolate, lindt or trader joes.

  8. Click on my name for a link to the my recipe for the best scones you ever tasted.

  9. A nice rich porter or stout always helps me warm up after a ride. Extra perks include bourbon barrel aging or chocolate.

  10. I second the coffee and the scone recommendation. A post-ride bakery is always welcome in the Fall and Winter, or Spring or Summer.

  11. Stroopwaffels!

  12. Coffee and blueberry muffin after road biking. But mountain biking definitely requires a burrito and a Tecate. Or Dos Equis. Or Negra Modelo. Or Bohemia. Or all of the above.

  13. Stroopwaffels, touring disc hubs, and some light reading about touring on a fat bike-- wild times at VO.

  14. A Franziskaner und ein wurstel mit senf bitte . tom.

  15. dana the tall12/2/13, 11:01 AM


  16. Someone should start a flickr group devoted to parodies of this post or rather the photo.

    Absinthe, blood sausage and an Arabesque 600

    Bottled Radler, pommes and a Sachs 7 speed.

