01 October, 2013

Stylish Builds

Fashion designer Marc Jacobs is also into cool city bikes. These limited edition bikes are built by Panda Bicycles using their lugged bamboo frames. The frames are made in Fort Collins, Colorado. Components and accessories are mostly by Velo Orange. There are only 10 available and the cost is $5000.
Available in several colors.
VO fenders, brakes, rack, stem, etc.
Another cool designer, my friend Eric in SLO,  has built a number of bikes I've featured on the blog. This new build includes some strange components as well as liberal use of powder coating. Yes, that's a Nagasawa frame. And check out the crank.
VO  racks, fenders, and brakes.
That is a VO chainguard, but definitely not our crank.


  1. What ARE those cranks, and why?

  2. I've seen those before but don't remember who made them. I believe the theory is that the angle will give one better leverage at the top and bottom of the pedal stroke...

  3. they are pmp cranks , it is a silly idea as all it does is add weight and gives absolutely no advantage over a straight arm, regardless of arm shape its the fact that the pedal axle to bb axle line is the same , still a very nice ,pretty bike ;-)

  4. that crank have no sense...
    the crank is only the union between BB and pedal and could have any form between those points, you just add more material and a weaker crank vs a straight crank

  5. And we were just thinking of designing a crank arm with two right angles.

  6. noooooooooooo, dont you dare , form must follow function , its why we love Velo Orange , you dont produce junk !;-)

  7. @VeloOrange

    Two right angles, now THAT would be smart! :-D

  8. two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left.

  9. Is that a twist-tie holding the chain guard to the chain stay?

  10. I realize that the cranks are a stupid idea... that's why they are on the bike! They cause all sorts of folks to start conversations with me about bikes because they are so lame! perfect. If the cranks don't get the conversation started... the Chris Ahearn Flask and flask holder will! BTW... if you like the stupidity of these cranks... they you really should see these: http://www.classicrendezvous.com./Rarest/pmp_extra.htm

  11. but wait... there's more!
    Here's the history on the failed curved crank idea!: http://pardo.net/bike/pic/mobi/d.pmp-cranks/
    and yes... Wes... that's a nylon tie... I'm searching through Rivendell's website now for the appropriate artisanal p-clamp. :-). Lastly... I was gonna run my 18,18,18,18,18 freewheel on the back... but decided that would have been too much. :-)

  12. any chance disc brake mounts will make it on this bike? Touring geometry + huge tire clearance + disc brakes is a sweet combo.

  13. On the Marc Jacobs bike...$5k and they can't even get a decent fender line. The horrors!
