14 October, 2013

Random Bits

The next run of Polyvalent frames is entering production. We decided to make them blue this time around. It's the same shade as this Pass Hunter prototype. We'll also add a third water battle mount and a rear brake adjuster. We hope to have them here in January.
Speaking of the Polyvalent, have a look at this terrific build by Fresh Tripe. But even more interesting is the commentary (almost a review) by it's new owner. There are also additional photos and a build list. If you don't have time to read the whole thing, here is the summery:
All in all, best money I have spent on a bike. Period.
Blue Lug, one of our Japanese dealers, has a nice post about VO parts. You have to love how Google translates Japanese to English. Check out Blu Lug's other posts for lots a nice photos of riding, and eating, in Japan.

We have wheels again. The last batch sold out very quickly, so we had more built up this time.
Igor needed a Porteur rack. Nothing unusual about that, except that he mounted it on the rear of his Campeur. The rack fits and works quite well. I wonder if we should offer the hardware he used as an optional mounting kit? You could have one at each end.

Latest news on the Pass Hunter frames is that they will be here in two to three weeks.


  1. i like how velo orange is getting weird. from traditional french reproductions to jones-esque bikepacking bars and rear mounted porteur (Ruetrop?) racks. rad.

  2. A third water battle mount? Are you guys going to start selling squirt guns now? Or maybe pontoon attachments?

  3. The rear-mounted porteur rack is so rad.

  4. Some cool stuff, as ever- and while I'm waiting impatiently for the Pass Hunter frames, I'd like to see some info on that little rear LED light shown mounted on that rear mounted Porteur rack.It looks to be wired into a generator?

  5. @drew,

    The rear light is a Supernova E3 Taillight mated to a Shimano dynamo and Supernova front light.

  6. hrmmm rear mudflap but none on the front? I understand the use of a rear-mounted porter rack but the rear mudflap is an odd choice.... a solution in search of a problem.


  7. @Allan,

    A rear mounted mudflap is useful to prevent spraying others. Don't be so selfish.

  8. Sure, I've see rear mud flaps used for that purpose, but never without one on the front. presumably, if there is enough spray at the back to warrant a mudflap, then there is enough at the front to warrant one there as well... unless of course, the mudflap was chosen less for practical reasons and more for aesthetic reasons.


  9. What about the head badge on the new Polyvalent, is it the same as the current one. I love to see the Polyvalent with the campeur's head badge.

  10. The new blue Polyvalent will have the same headbadge as the Campeur.

  11. Alan. That front fender comes down pretty low looks like. Stop being a know it all. What gives all these people who comment the right to judge so hard? It angers me to read comments like this. Have they nothing better to do than comment about what they think they think know better about, with nothing positive to offer? And if that damn mudflap is there solely for atheistic reasons? So what. Chill out people, if you don't like it then don't do it to your bike. No need to prove to everyone on the internet that you're cooler than them. Sorry to rant. And sorry to pick on you Allan, your comment is just one of many elitist judgments I read under these blog posts. Be kind people. Were all here for the same reason. Our passion for our beloved bicycles. Keep up the awesome work VO.

  12. Heated exchange about mudflaps.

    I'm laughing my butt off. We cyclists ARE a strange crowd.

  13. Mudflap are serious business people, live are at risk!

    Anyhow, VeloOrange, would you be so kind to release the geometry sheet for the new Pass Hunter? I'm quite keen on getting a fast touring/cx bicycle and it fit the bill nicely.

  14. We're like any other class of dork, Adam, in that no bit of minutiae is too small to debate and set our pulses aflutter. The only thing that sets us apart from Trekkies, Anime Otaku, and the Comicon crowds is that we perhaps get more exercise and sun.

  15. I'm also laughing my butt off. I thought I made a joke about the water battle mounts, but I'm outclassed with the comment about atheistic mud flaps.

  16. @ Edward Scoble
    the geometry can be found here

  17. Sorry, I'm a bit late to this party, but I love the rear-mounted Porteur (or Ruetrop :-) rack. If you don't offer a kit, would you at least post a list of the bits required so others could replicate the setup?

  18. I've been thinking about the rear porteur rack for awhile now. I was even thinking about the rack on the rear but maybe even removing the bars on each side to make it a little narrower. Giving you the inner three bars, but leaving you a nice platform matching the front that you can hang panniers from. Maybe something you folks can produce (So I don't have to take a pipe cutter to the rack). *wink wink :) Cheers!
