28 October, 2013

Chris's Afternoon Off


  1. Jealous. When can I get those handlebars?

  2. Well done, good sir. Fondest wishes for more days like this.

  3. Chris, where did you go for this ride.. looks awesome. I like the bike set up too.

  4. Looks like a nice ride. Where is this? You don't have to give away your fishing spot.

  5. This is along Big Elk Creek in north eastern Maryland. There are about 80 miles of car free bike/horse trails out there, single track, carriage roads, old dirt/gravel farm roads. The fishing isn't usually great, but it was recently stocked. I saw two 18" brown trout, but only caught the three rainbows.

  6. I really need to improve what I do on my days off.

  7. Mentioned earlier was a Tenkara trip but pics show traditional western fly rod and reel?
    Lovely looking meal and would appear your son is also experiencing fine cuisine.

    ps your earlier post mentioning Tenkara prompted my newest infatuation, so THANKS!

  8. A Tenkara rod is great for small mountain streams and for wading. I used mine a couple of weeks ago in Western Maryland fishing for native brook trout. But for standing on the bank and fishing a medium sized steam, the traditional fly rod/reel gives you more reach since you can cast a fair distance. That's why I took it this time.

  9. I'm guessing the asparagus weren't sourced locally...;>

  10. Did your trout go in that frame bag?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Adam, I carried a cheap canvas creel for the fish and a small day pack for rod, fly box, and a bag of macadamia nuts.

  13. Glad to see you using a frame bag. I've been using the Jandd Frame bag on long road rides and commuting. I find it to be more convenient than either a front or rear bag.

    The Pass Hunter definitely looks interesting...
