01 August, 2013

Settled in our new digs

by Scott

We've been in our new warehouse and show room for almost six months, and we thought we would take the opportunity to show off the new space now that we have finished it.

Like most folks after a move, it took us a bit of time to get things settled in place.  Priority number one was getting the warehouse up and going and organizing all the new storage space for frames and such.  Our show room in our new space was more spacious than the old location, so initially we just moved some display/demo bikes into it along with some display shelves.

We'd wanted to make the showroom, well, prettier then our old space. To help give it a more rarified air, we had collected some old black and white prints of cycling in Europe from the 30's into the 60's. Adrian finished framing all our prints recently and we got our gallery set up on the walls of our design area.

She also framed some of the drawings that we sell, and we put them up around the wall of our showroom.

So now, with the framed prints and posters up, some more display units to show off lots of our products, and more light then we had before, the showroom is finally looking the way we had envisioned it when we laid out the floor plan out all those months ago.

If you're in the Annapolis/DC/Baltimore area, why not swing by and see our new space? Our show room is open Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 4:30 pm (we're closed on the weekends so we can go riding) at 1981 Moreland Parkway, Building 3, Annapolis, MD.

If you stop by any time until August 30th, we'll give you one of our VO posters
and a sticker to say thanks for dropping by.


  1. Set up looks fantastic! Great job. What frame is in the middle of the second last picture?

  2. That bike is Chris's bike. It's an early iteration of the Pass Hunter model.

  3. When are we gonna learn more about that wicked red Passhunter??


  4. Your components are so beautifully designed and finished that you should display them in a jewelers case.

  5. Love you guys! Not sure that I'll be able to drop by before 30 Aug, but you are a destination on my bucket list. Thanks for all you've done and will do! :-)
