11 June, 2013

Saddle Loops in stock

We just got a shipment of our new Saddle Loops and they are now in stock at long last. Scott is jumping up and down for joy.

Stainless steel construction and easy installation. Sorry carbon fans, these are not recommended on carbon rails.



  1. It is really good to see saddle loops made of stainless steel. The back end of a saddle is a bad place for things that rust...

    Thanks again Velo Orange!

  2. Gotta say they look like they'd be a little difficult to install--looks like you'd need to use a very small screwdriver, or perhaps a right-angle or ratcheting driver.

  3. @lawschool, Super easy to install. A standard sized phillips screwdriver fits easily.

  4. Can you flip the setup over so the loop sits a bit higher? I don't have a lot of vertical space from saddle top to tire to begin with. Having the bag ride lower is not a good thing for my situation.

  5. ya looks like you just go strait in through those loops with the screwdriver...
