21 January, 2013


The blog has been a little quiet lately as we prepare for our move but we're still working on lots of new projects and considering a few others.

The Pass Hunter prototypes have been delayed a little because of the new year holidays in Taiwan. We'll get both red and blue prototypes and post photos for your input.

We're designing a 63cm version of the Campeur frame. It's been selling well and if that continues we'll expand the sizes available.

We hope to have a new Grand Cru pedal in a few months. It's a single sided pedal designed for folks who use toe clips, or half clips. Like the Sabot pedal it will have platform designed for street shoes. It will also have over-sized, bordering on huge, bearings for long life and no-worries touring duty.

Importing a very impressive new Dajia platform pedal is also under consideration. It's an off road pedal (like the VP001) but higher quality. I'm not sure that off-road oriented platform pedals will remain popular with touring or urban cyclists as more road-specific platforms become available, but they'll remain a good option for those who tour off-pavement.
We have a daily "morning staff meeting" were we discuss new products and design issues, among other things. Today we kicked around the idea of bringing back the old VO courier rack. It's smaller than a Pourteur rack and works well with handlebar bags, but the large platform makes it more versatile than a Constructeur front rack. Not sure about this one so we thought we'd run the idea up the flag pole and see who salutes, this blog being the flagpole. Anyone saluting?

In another news:

Gypsy by Trade shares his "Second Impressions of the Campeur"

Here are a few photos of a cool Campeur build. 

Don't forget that the biggest ever VO yard sale takes place this Saturday from 9 to 12.


  1. I would buy one count me in

  2. I would love a courier rack, nice and small!!

  3. Is this a daily stand up meeting for Agile processes? :)

  4. I have one and would recommend it, quite versitile.

  5. Go ahead and make a one-side pedal, but don't ignore the backside. If it doesn't have enough traction to take the first few pedal strokes with wet shoes without slipping, it's not a safe design.

    Rich F.

  6. I'd love to see it designed to attach to either the mid-fork braze-ons, or the front-facing set of fork eyelets, so the rack struts don't have to share eyelets with fender stays.


  7. Salute!
    I've been looking for one of your courrier racks.

  8. I think you mentioned the possibility of heavier duty 26in touring frame a while ago. Any progress on that?


  9. Another vote for the Courier rack. Have an Ozette Rando bag from Swift Industries which would suit perfectly. I understand they make a front bag specific to your Porteur Rack. You can return the complement now by making a rack for their bag!!

  10. A courier would be perfect.

  11. Dana the Tall1/21/13, 9:35 PM

    I'll consider a 63cm Campeur, but I'll jump for a 65 or 66.

  12. In favour of the Courier rack.

  13. I like that courier rack quite a bit and would buy one if you sell them again.

  14. At 6'5 I would love a 63cm, but a 65cm would change my world. Please...

  15. I have one of the first gen courier racks and find it a great compromise between the porteur racks and the rando racks. I have hills and distance on rides and didn't feel like lugging a full porteur rack, but like being able to carry significant amounts of weight when necessary. This is facilitated by a large Wald basket zip-tied to the courier rack. The acid test for all portaging, apparently--the case of beer--is no problem. I do support the rack with some small turnbuckles from the rear bosses/eyelets to the fork blades, though, because the center tang doesn't control the lateral movement of loads sufficiently. I had meant to work up some form of quick release or wingnut attachment for the basket but just haven't gotten around to it/felt the need for it. Unless you are moving very heavy loads regularly, the porteur rack just seems like overkill to me.

  16. We'd also like to see it designed to attach to either the mid-fork braze-ons, or the front-facing set of fork eyelets, so the rack struts don't have to share eyelets with fender stays.

  17. I need a rack just like that for my Pugsley. If you build it please make it with enough clearance.

  18. I'm definitely interested in the courier rack! I've always been disappointed that I missed the first ones.

    I would also second the call for improving the mounting hardware. I think a courier rack that mounted to canti studs and fork eyelets, like your new campeur racks, would be totally cool!

  19. What kind of data do you have to back up your pedal comparison? " It's an off road pedal (like the VP001) but higher quality."

    Seems slightly arbitrary.

  20. Add my vote for the courier rack. The size of the platform seems to justify the extra load bearing potential of the lower struts compared to the constructeur rack. And if it can support a basket on occasion, I'm sold!

    Also another plus one for the rack attaching to the eyelets in front of the axle, not behind. Not being able to get the rack level when it is simultaneously A) mounted on the front eyelets and B) set properly close to the fork crown is what has kept me from mounting one of your lovely racks on my bike.

    With the Polyvalent and the Campeur both in the wild now I would imagine that there are enough forks out there with dual eyelets that it's better to just design it for that circumstance. Crossing the rack strut over the fork end to mount it on the rear eyelet for the sake of a level and close-in rack is an unsightly compromise.

    Keep up the awesome work with your products!

  21. make the courier rack

  22. Another vote for the courier rack - I've been looking for something exactly like that on my commuter bicycle!

  23. I'm saluting!

  24. I was thinking of cutting down my Porteur rack by removing the outer beam from each side. I think that'd make an even better platform than the courier rack that you show here. Maybe take that into consideration when finalizing the shape of the new courier?

  25. I'll order a 63cm Campeur as soon as it's in the store. This is good news. Sure do wish I could have made it to the sale.

  26. Salute! Sounds like the best of both worlds.

  27. The Courier Rack looks ideal. I have been using a VO Porteur Rack for a while now and I'm sold on loading my bike up front, but I've never used the full capacity of the Porteur Rack. The Courier Rack looks like it will comfortably carry my work bag or anything I might need for a weekend ride and still fit in with the styling of my bike without dominating its looks like the Porteur Rack does.

  28. yesyesyes! Courier rack would be perfect for my next project! You make it, I'll buy it!

  29. Please bring back The Courier Rack!

  30. I'll pre order/pay if it will further the Resurrect of the Courier Rack !
