15 November, 2012

Les Sabots et le Beaujolais Nouveau Sont Arrives

It's a joyous day at Velo Orange. The long awaited Sabot pedals have arrived. And the 2012 Beaujolais Nouveau was released today. Both are currently being admired here at VO world headquarters.
First the pedals. You can find my original description of them here. And this recent post describes Igor and Adrian's long term test. In short, we are very proud of these pedals. A great vintage that will age well.
Now for the Beaujolais Nouveau. As you may know, French law prohibits new batches of the light-bodied and fruity wine, made from Gamay grapes, from being served until the third Thursday in November. That is today! This wine is only a few weeks old and is not a "fine wine." It is an inexpensive and quaffable bistro style wine, a fun drink that can be enjoyed by anyone to celebrate the harvest. It's meant to be consumed in copious quantities in the first full year of its life. The 2012 harvest was very poor with small grapes due to lousy spring weather, but that just makes the wine a bit more concentrated. If you decide to indulge I would look for some from a small vineyard, rather than the ubiquitous and industrial Georges Duboeuf. Cost is around $10 a bottle.

We'll be examining other favorite fall beverages in future posts. What's your's?


  1. Double word score for use of the word "Quaffable" I am going to my local wine shop for their Thursday night tasting and intend to quaff away ;-) and maybe pick up some Beaujolais.

  2. After beaujolais comes the season of Calvados!

  3. I'm curious what the pedals weigh?

  4. The Sabot pedals weigh 408g a pair. The wine weighs 1174g.

  5. For the recent great weather we have been having, a white with a little sparkle goes down well. I also have a batch of rosemary scotch ale (wee heavy) fermenting in the basement for consumption around Christmas time.
