05 September, 2012

Notes and Updates

We've been super busy this past week preparing and shipping our display to Interbike. This is an industry only show, but is very important since we can show our products to thousands of bike shop owners and buyers. Hopefully we'll get many more new dealers. We once again have a 20' x 20' space and will be displaying five complete bikes and most of our components and accessories, including a few new items. Our booth number is 7116; please visit if you're there, or ask you local bike shop owner/buyer to drop by.
We have some new Comfy Cotton handlebar tape. While there have been some new brands of cotton tape introduced, most are pretty similar to Tressosstar tape, save for different colors. We decided to import this tape because it's wider and thicker than traditional tapes. If you like it we'll get more colors.
The Campeur frames are almost here and production is finished on the Campeur racks.
The chainguards I mentioned recently are also about done and, since they are light, we'll airship a box or two. We are also making extra hardware kits; so you can easily mount that classic French guard you found on E-bay.
For those of you in need of fall fashion inspiration, there are the new ultra-stylish VO socks.


  1. that chain guard will make obsolete the tattoo on the lad's leg in the last photo. très embarrassant!

  2. The Distance Drifter9/5/12, 11:06 AM

    Camper racks! Camper rack! CAMPER RACKS! (perhaps a tad bit excited). The Lugged fork on the new camper frame is quite dazzling too.

  3. I think showing a wine bottle on a bike sends out a bad message to children reading this forum that it might be okay to drink and ride.

  4. I think whining about a whine bottle on a bike sending out a bad message to children sets a new low in whining.

  5. I think a bottle of wine with my new Campeur would be nice, but I suppose it's in the picture for display purposes only.

  6. That campeur bike is beautiful! I can't wait to see the whole thing. I personally love the wine bottle in the photo. Riding a bike with a bottle of wine to a picnic clearly sounds like THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD. WON'T YOU PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN??? Sheesh.

    Eagerly awaiting more info on the new bike, and I love the color too!

  7. It IS okay to drink and ride.


  9. the new camper racks look great. How do they attach on top?

  10. The racks attach to your canti-studs, but you can also use p-clamps or some rack bosses.

  11. Think french stripes , think half calf, think Monsieur Hulot.

