06 January, 2012


This is the time of year that things slow down at most bike businesses, VO included. It's not an unwelcome rest period. Winter gives us time to do things like work on new designs and to analyze our inventory. We want to see which items are overstocked, which are selling slower or faster than expected, and which we might consider dropping in the future.

Despite 2011 being our best year ever, we did find quite a few things that are overstocked. So we're adding items to our specials page. Check the page every so often and you might find a few real deals. In some cases the special items will be discounted until stock levels are back to normal, in other cases we'll simply drop the item when we run out.

You might note that the Rando frame is on sale; we over-ordered on the large sizes and need to make room for the 700c Polyvalents and the, eventual, Pass Hunters.


  1. Is the build kit also discounted for the larger Rando frames? Doesn't appear so.

  2. The build kits are not discounted. Anything that's discounted automatically gets listed on the specials page.

  3. when are the 700c polyvalents due to arrive?

  4. We hope to have them sometime this spring.

  5. What's the rack on the front of your rando Alec?

  6. Any idea when the Rando max build kits are available again?

  7. Rando kits should be back in about a month.

    The rack is a prototype camper rack.
