06 July, 2010

Vacation Time at VO

Just wanted to let you know that there will be little, if any, blog activity for the next few weeks. Annette and I are leaving for vacation tomorrow. I'm traveling sans laptop, taking only an iPad which I might turn on for a few minutes a day. So please excuse if I don't return e-mails or post or tweet for a while. Info e-mails will still be answered by the staff.

Meanwhile, Tom is visiting VO distributors in Britain and will be soon be heading to Spain for a little well deserved R-and-R.

Kyle is finishing up grad school over the summer, so is only working part time.

And Heidi is taking her 16-year old son to California for a summer-long Olympic sailing clinic; he's been asked to try out for the 2012 US sailing team in Finn class.

But orders will get out promptly as always. Perry is acting general manager and the full warehouse staff, less Heidi, is present.  King Trygve is cleaning up the glitches on the new web site while Kyle attends to final design details. Robert will be building up wheels to test the new hubs and the new VO Raid rims (they are 22mm triple box section rims that look like wider PBP rims).


  1. Any pictures of these new rims?!

  2. Any pictures of these new rims?!

  3. "I'm traveling sans laptop, taking only an iPad which I might turn on for a few minutes a day." Right, lie to yourself as you wish. Turning on devices for just a few minutes a day did not Steve Jobs a rich man make!
    Joking aside, have a good vacaton and keep your wonderful products coming.

  4. Hey Chris, when do you expect to be getting those new VO cranksets in? I have been waiting to order one since you posted those pics back in the spring!

  5. have a great vaction chris and tom!
    thx superfreak

  6. OK, 3 weeks is long enough! back to work!

  7. 3 weeks is not enough! In advanced nations 4 to 6 weeks of paid vacation is customary.
