14 June, 2010

Great Deals on the Specials Page

You might want to have a look at the VO Specials page. There are some spectacular deals there right now.

Since we're still hoping to have the new website up in a few weeks I wanted to get our inventory cleaned up. So we've been going through the warehouse looking for items that we have over-ordered. There are also some products that will change slightly with the next shipment and we're blowing out the old versions. And there are some items that we won't stock in the future. All these are on sale while they last, or until the inventory levels get back to normal.

On another subject, I stumbled across VO's "customer ratings" numbers from Yahoo Shopping. Of the last 500 ratings (that what's displayed) here's what we got:
447 Excellent37 Good3 OK2 Bad

I do read all the ratings we get, but I've never looked at the numbers. Not too bad.


  1. Please tell me you're not discontinuing the VO model 6 saddle!?

  2. We ordered too many black Model 6 saddles so they are on sale. The brown are sold out, but more are on the way.

  3. Correction, Chris. We do NOT have black model 6; we DO have brown.

  4. I love a sale6/14/10, 2:18 PM

    Brown is the new black, you know ?

  5. I am not surprised with the Yahoo ratings.

    VO sells good merchandise fairly priced.

    Merchandise is well packed and ships fast.

    Annette and team communicate honestly and quickly.

    Good luck with the shift to the new format.

  6. I can't think of how one could give VO any rating besides excellent.

    In addition to experiencing what Joel described, I had a problem with an item and the efficiency and courteousness with which it was replaced was second to none.

    VO is always my first choice; keep up the good work.

  7. Honestly I'm surprised more of the "Good" ratings didn't vote excellent instead. I've always been impressed with the service, pricing, very unique selection, (did I mention the excellent service? You rock, Annette!), etc. You guys are the only game in town for much of what you offer, yet you still conduct your business as though you're under fierce competition from all sides. Kudos to you all!

  8. I buy from VO whenever possible. For numerous reasons.
    And also because I'm supporting one of the little guys.
    VO is easily one of the best companies I've ever bought from. And that was further solidified when I met a bunch of them at their booth at NAHBS.

  9. V/O gets an excellent from me too!

  10. As a new VO customer I can rate service, selection, and price as excellent. Keep up the good work.

  11. I love VO stuff, and I really appreciate that you are distributing to my LBS, because I like it when they pay the shipping... ;)

  12. VO is one of the best businesses of any sort that I know of. Chris and Anette are a terrific team: It doesn't matter which one of them you deal with; you're still going to get great service. Ditto for Tom and Perry.

    How anyone could have voted anything but "excellent" is beyond me.

  13. when will the velo-orange 46x30 crankset come out?

  14. Very happy with all the VO product I have gotten. Frame, Racks, Bag, Tires, 650B wheelset, Fenders, Fender Flap, Tail light, Brakes, Seat Stem, Headset, Seat. I like that I can order through my local bike shop and support two very good companies! Looking forward to getting the new Grand Cru crankset when it is available.

  15. I think it is interesting to see that the 'one-percenter' rule applies just about anywhere humans interact. Your five OK/bad ratings are just over one percent of the total. There are always about one percent of people that have to have a hassle in everything that they do, but usually you can satisfy about half of those eventually, so you end up with about 0.5 percent that are never satisfied. It's really impossible to reach 100 percent, over time, in almost all cases.

  16. Chris-are you dumping the "rackaleurs" from now on? I thought those were a difficult item to find, at least on the used market.

  17. Some of the items we have too many of (like the rackeleur). Some are discontinued from the manufacturer and we can't get that exact replacement because of new product that is replacing it(Spanninga lights). Other stuff we are tired of selling or are very slow movers and we will drop.

  18. hey, the new website should have a gallery of builds people can submit for the production frames. Seeing how people set frames up can inspire people to purchase a frameset.
