18 December, 2009

Bicycle Repairman!

The VO crew is laughing their collective butts off watching this video. Thought I'd share, though it may not reflect well on our taste in comedy.


  1. Cuando hay problemas, en cualquier momento, en cualquier lugar, el se convierte en...¡Reparador de bicicletas Man!

    (Es muy crujiente y afectado...)

  2. if you like this one, you'll love "the cycling tour." it's the only episode of Python consisting of a single skit. find it in three parts here:


    my favorite Python ever, and not because of the bike. you'll see.

  3. .arg someone already beat me to the cyclotouring skit!

  4. that's awesome! thanks for posting.

  5. Dig that Sturmey-Archer Dynohub on the 3-speed. Imagine if your LBS repaired your old bike into a completely new one--at no charge to you, of course!

  6. I should've kept all the flying circus tapes I gave away when I last moved (as well as the boxes of old bike parts) *sigh* Python gets funnier as I get older.

  7. SEE how he uses a span-ner to tight-en that nut!

    Yeah, every time I work on my bikes -- BUT HOW!?

  8. Still a toungue in cheek biting commentary that modern society pushes us toward not having enough common sense skills to fix a bike.
