21 January, 2008

The North American Handmade Bicycle Show

The North American Handmade Bicycle Show will be held in Portland, Oregon February 8-10. This should be a truly spectacular show, probably the biggest ever. If there is any way at all that you can attend, you really should.

Velo Orange won't be exhibiting this year; it's not like we need more frame orders; but I'll be there to see the bikes and chat with other builders. I'll also be meeting with a couple of our Japanese suppliers who are flying over to attend.

VO will remain open and orders will continue to be shipped while I'm gone.

Hope to see you there!


  1. me too! Or rather, we'll likely be attending the show at the same time :-) I'm local, so this is a REAL treat.

  2. what about bringing one of each of ahren's city bikes?

  3. anyone have a nice spare bedroom for two on saturday night? please reply to kchalldc@hotmail.com

  4. Annon, I'd bring them, but they won't fit in my carry-on bag ;<)

  5. I began making plans to go, even checked out the Amtrak schedules and some hotels. Timing is off for me.

    Sounds as though it should be a great show. Based on what I have seen from the showing builders who interest me, a lot of the focus will be on the bike as transit.

    Hope you have a good time Chris.

  6. don't forget pictures ;-)


  7. I hope you're planning on exhibiting at the Circque in Leesburg in June - there'll surely be at least two VO bikes there, a VO Randonneur and a City Bike.

  8. La Quinta has rooms for $59 per night, with an indoor pool!
