14 August, 2007


It's been very busy here at VO, but I wanted to post a few notes:
  • Brooks has substantially raised saddle prices. Titanium rail saddles, in particular, have jumped 30-40%. The weak dollar in relation to the Euro is responsible for much of this. The other factor is that a worldwide increase in demand for titanium and resultant price increase are affecting many industries.
  • Speaking of the weak dollar, we should expect rising prices on all European components. So I'd suggest buying Stronglight headsets and cranks, TA products, etc sooner rather than later. The Yen exchange rate looks better so we'll be getting more attractively priced Japanese products.
  • Regarding Honjo fenders, I just received this from our agent: "Sorry, but Mr. Shimamura at Honjo said that they are swamped and they said that the orders are now scheduled to be done in mid to late August. I will keep you posted."
  • We have all models of decaleurs in stock again!


  1. Chris,
    Off on a tangent here, but is the Larz Anderson show bike with the basket full of sunflowers, baggettes and wine beyond to you?

  2. Neil, That show sounds like fun. I wish I could attend.

  3. Considering costs of other high end saddles, notwithstanding the dollar's fall, Brooks saddles' prices are only now catching up to the market.
