03 January, 2007

Bike Photos

Our first bike photo is of a Polaert Randonneuse owned by Theirry Miton. Mr Miton writes:

"Voici une photo de ma randonneuse de marque polaert région parisienne cette artisan a fait ces premieres armes chez mr herse tube reynolds tubes 753 campagnolo 9 vitesses daytona poid 10KG500 LA LIAISON ENTRE LE MODERNE ET L'ANCIEN"

I have always been a fan of Motobecanes. Of the Mass produced french brands they seemed to have the best geometry. David Barnblatt is restoring three of them. The photos on the right are of his first, and fine looking looking, city bike conversion. Note the Honjo fenders, NOS Soubitez light, and 3TTT style bars.

Speaking of city bikes Mr. Neil Berg has saved a Peter Mooney chrome frame that had been turned into a ghastly semi-race bike. Neil returned the bike to it's city bike origins. The photos are below. Note the Campy Record triple crank, Rally derailleur, 3TTT style bars and smooth Honjos.

Click on the photos to make them bigger.


  1. That's a really nice front rack on the Polaert.

  2. Yep, looks like a thoroughbred, through and through including 27" wheels :-)

    Beautiful bike.

  3. Which bike has 27" wheels?

  4. yes wheels 700C thierry miton

  5. yes wheels 700c thierry miton

  6. Why has the trend gone from rear racks to front racks?

    Easier with newer bikes,
    (near)Impossible with older bikes,
    Weight distribution, and/or
    Front fork stability?

    Maybe a little of all?
    Fork stabilizer would be a good reason even without a rack.

  7. http://www.cyclofiend.com/working/images/wb036-1FrenchChitwanNepal.jpg

    Did see these beefy racks front and rear. The front axle is always another expensive support route other than bottom stem to handlebars supports. Yours looks the best and at a reasonable price too.

  8. As to the question of why front racks are popular again, the rear rack alone was simply a way to fit a small load on a racing style bike. It is a result of builders ignoring the lessons of the past. It seems that rear racks (without matching front racks) became popular during the bike boom days of the 1970s when manufacturers would make and sell anything with two wheels and disregard well known principles.

    The handlebar bag is an eminently more practical solution for carrying a day's load. A small saddle bag is another good option. But a rear rack with the load over the rear wheel makes little sense unless one plans to use panniers and have a front load as well.

  9. Chris,

    Good information!

    Thank You Sir

  10. Mr. Miton, Barnblatt and Berg are all to be complimented for the fine work on these bikes.

    Incredible what a few nice components do for the Motobecane. Looks like a true custom.

    One thing that really stands out on all three is no seat post or stem reaching half a mile out of the frame. The users have chosen frame sizes wisely.
