26 June, 2006

Still More New Stuff, Including Black Elkhide

We're adding more new stuff to the Velo Orange store today and later in the week:

  • MKS touring pedals which are great for city bikes, for touring bikes, and for us folks with big wide feet. Given the $23 price the quality is amazing.
  • Black elk hide handlebar covers. $28
  • Elkhide toe clip covers and chainstay protectors in white, gold, and black are now available. You can't have leather that doesn't match!
  • TA Cyclotouriste cranks and chainrings, most sizes will be available.
  • Very very nice ALE Italian leather toe clip straps in red and in blue.
  • MKS toe clips in XL size.
  • New old stock IDEALE 92 honey saddles for only, cough cough, $350 . These are the real "made in France" deal. Supply is very very limited, perhaps non-existant ;<). Reserve now if you want one.
  • IDEALE 2004 saddles in black and honey.
  • Blue and light gray cloth bar tape.


  1. Boo hoo, shortes Cyclotouriste length is 170mm. I wanna cry.

  2. What lenght do you want? I might be able to order it.

  3. Any chance you could post a picture of the new cloth tape colors?
