04 May, 2006

Flashlights for Bikes

A lot of readers have e-mailed asking about the flashlight I use and show in the Velo Orange flashlight bracket. It's a Task Force 3-watt LED light. We don't sell it, but you can order one from Lowes. I've found this light to be very effective and probably the best value in LED lights available. There is a review of it here.

One of the reason I prefer a flashlight to a
purpose made bike light or generator, beyond the cool retro look, is that I can pop it out to look for the keys I dropped, or to sneak back into the B&B after a late night out. With a set of rechargable batteries it's also very economical

I decided to make a leather cover to replace the rather pedestrian rubber grip that comes standard. It only took about 10 minutes to install and really improves the appearance of the light. If fact I like it so much that we now offer them in the Velo Orange Store for $6

The lower drawing shows a traditional flashlight and bracket.

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