I think I'll head over to theShenandoah Mountains in a few weeks and try a pass or two.
Here are some links related to pass hunting:
I The Governing body: http://www.centcols.org/ The rules in English: http://www.centcols.org/regle_du_jeu/rules_of_the_game.htm Other sites and photos: http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~uc6y-ssk/mypasshunting_00.html http://www.geocities.jp/jitensha_tougeoyaji/tougecollection.htm http://www.rsf.org.uk/ In Japan there are several models of bikes made specifically for pass hunting. Usually they are like lower geared randonneur bikes, but some have flat bars. http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~tima/others/passhunt.html http://members.aol.com/satorumas/mybike/passhunt.html http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~akuta/pass-hunter.html
I live in central California, looks like I'm in luck! https://www.dangerousroads.org/north-america/usa/4589-list-of-sierra-nevada-road-passes.html